“Lead the Change”
Uplifting Young Women’s Potentials to Break Boundaries
and be Effective Leaders.
The 5-day conference will focus mainly on three major thematic areas: PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT, LEADERSHIP and EFECTIVE MARKETING of the GSP Program through proper UTILIZATION of the MASS MEDIA. 95 senior and 30 cadet girl scouts from various councils allover the Philippines will actively participate in this event. Through this conference, girl scouts will be more equipped to lead in their respective communities.
Definitely a big event and indeed a very overwhelming one, right?
Ever since childhood, I’ve always been interested to things that offer challenges. Truly, I find excitement in seeking the limits of what I can do…But never did it came into my mind that someday I’ll be given the responsibility to lead this conference.
“We don’t know who we really are until we see what we can do” – Martha Grimes
Just imagine, a medical student waking up at 4 am browsing her books who then prepares for an ordinary school day from 8-5pm, who regularly goes to the library during free time, who attends choir rehearsals twice to thrice a week, who goes back to the dormitory to study again and who only drinks coffee to stay awake through the night. Well, this is just an overview of how toxic (med jargon meaning a busy person or something esp. tasks that are too tiring) my life is. Now, imagine how much busier my life will be considering the tasks related to the conference. TOXIC, isn’t it? I know that this event will push me to the limit. It might sound a bit scary for it entails a greater challenge to face. I believe that through this, I’ll be able to know myself better which includes realizing and accepting my strengths and weaknesses. It will help me to further enhance my personality. Moreover, I hope that this event will serve as a learning experience not just to me but also to the GSP as a whole.
"Nothing happens unless first a dream. " - Carl Sandburge
Dreaming is innate to everyone. Even how young or old someone is, he/she would surely dream for something to happen. Dreams may range from something rational to absurd ones and from possible to impossible ones. Although how different dreams are, what’s important is that we hope and do everything we can to achieve those. In this light, the GSP dreams of honing girls to become effective leaders. As early as October 2006, we, the Youth Steering Committee for the National Senior-Cadet Girl Scouts Conference (NSCC) 2007, met and brainstormed to create the framework of the upcoming conference. There I got the chance to work with the smart, pretty and bubbly girl scouts: Girl Representatives from the various regions, selected participants of the NSCC ‘05 and GSP Program Committee members (I can now imagine how they’ll smile upon reading thisJ). Amidst the 3-day draining mental work, we did have fun in planning the activities for the conference. Following the theme “Lead the Change”, most of the activities that we included are totally new in the GSP Program and some of them may even sound too ambitious but still possible. We hope that all of those will push through for they’ll truly be helpful in improving our organization making it more suitable to the new generation.
Ask the Lord to bless your plans,
and you will be successful in carrying them out.
Proverbs 16: 3
- Maria Trinia S. Asuncion
- Maria Trinia S. Asuncion
1 comment:
...."to realize one's DESTINY is a person's only OBLIGATION..." ;p
...."everything there is and was, began with a dream..;p" (lavagirL)
...."a dream that u can't fight on will hurt you for the rest of your life...;p" (robots)
happy leading the change! ;p
Agusan Council
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